Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 11am


Below, you’ll find our most recent service.

A Longing Within Us

We were created by a loving God, with a longing inside of us, just like all of creation, to worship.

In the Bible, worship is always seen as a humble coming before one who is greater and the very word worship, comes from the Old English word woerthship. Giving honor or glory to someone who is worthy of it. And who is more worthy than God who sent his own Son to die on a cross for us, for our sin, for our brokenness.

Worship is personal and corporate. We worship God through daily prayer and song in the comfort of our own homes and spaces, but there is also something important about gathering together for worship.

Christians from the beginning have gathered together to pray with one another, sing songs of praise, share communion together, confess their sins, reflect on Scripture, encourage one another, and collect an offering expressing love and gratitude to God

Worship is not something you attend or watch, but something you participate in. We strive every Sunday through readings, music, prayer, and teaching to come into the presence of God and worship him.

Christ is with us always, but he comes to us in the music, in the preaching, in the praying, and in the other people around us when we gather with others for worship.


“What is the chief end of man? To glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”

~ Westminster Catechism

Our Most Recent Worship Service

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Brick Church Fellowship

4057 W. Main Street

PO Box 188

Williamson, NY 14589




Need additional assistance? Please contact us:




Worship Hours

Sunday School – 9:45am

Sunday Worship – 11:00am


